21/02/2011, what a big day! I met my parents, sister and friends.
The world is really lovely. Thanks for all your prayers and blessing that mum finally got me safely born. The operation (C/S) was uneventful though take a bit longer than dad thought. Mum's wound was really painful though she managed to get up and feed me.
Now I am home in granda ma's home as to allow more rest to mum.
I am a good girl, I eat and sleep and try to be good ( not cry too much at night) so mum is less stressful.
Do we look similar? ( I m chloe)
My Sister Chloe loves me too, she always sings to me and want to hug me. I recongizes her voice and loves to be with her.
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Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Your Slideshow: CCC’s trip to Hong Kong, China was created by TripAdvisor. See another Hong Kong slideshow. Create a free slideshow with music from your travel photos.
團契樂 Slideshow: CCC’s trip from 119 Leighton (near Hong Kong, China) to Lian Peng (near Dengta, Liaoning) was created by TripAdvisor. See another Dengta slideshow. Create your own stunning free slideshow from your travel photos.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
日子過得真快,還有一個星期兔妹妹就出來了。可我仍有點手忙腳亂,安排Chloe 姐姐在我住院時的照顧,安排公司在我放產假時的運作,打點兔妹妹的傢俱和衣物,簡直忙到我的極限,連走佬袋都未finalised。想休息,睡覺,胃酸倒流又令我難以入睡,坐下來休息Chloe 姐姐又不斷叫着媽媽。最要命的是人又重,肚子又大,動作比前慢了很多,行斜路及樓梯等同龜速兼加上喘氣,十分無助。相信這是每個媽媽都捱過的,唯有好好享受。
現期待住院時可有休息。早兩日覆診,醫生說兔妹妹是S 碼B,大約5磅,還有一星期,兔妹妹努力增磅呀!還有要耐心等到21號,因那時才滿38週!
現期待住院時可有休息。早兩日覆診,醫生說兔妹妹是S 碼B,大約5磅,還有一星期,兔妹妹努力增磅呀!還有要耐心等到21號,因那時才滿38週!
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