It has been months since last blog updated and suddenly found many new friends on the blog.
Time pass really fast! We have a few changes in these weeks so no time to get to the internet.
1. We move to a new apartment by 25 April 2006, very close to hospital. Thank for church's brother and sister to help for the moving.
2. I start the part-time job (3 times a week) to keep me busy but still time to rest. Actually God know me too well that He has not stop me from working as I will be bored to dead if working nothing. Of course we need to save some more bullets for the future as I may not work for more than 1/2 year to take care the bb. Anyway, Derek urge me to stop the job by the end of May just to get enough rest!
3. Unluckily, I have the initial gestational DM test +ve so need another one to confirm. Also with iron defficiency so look pale and tired. I become to worry about the bb so monior my diet more cautionsly. I know God will protect us so still calm.
4. last week has the parental class, talking about the delivery methods. I am abit nervous. Should I use epidual or not, or to taste the 10 degree pain, or go for operation if I have complication like bb position or DM. Too much to consider!
5. have a great time with Alan & Angel as their visit really remind me the friends in HK.
6. start to pack up the bag and checking bb stuff.
Too much to do, too tired & lazy! that's why so long no udpate!
yes, you are lazy!!! but we still remember yuo always la...
have a nice day!
It's just great to see your sharing. Will pray for your needs. Please keep us all inform. With the same Spirit in our hearts, we are not far from each other.
Take care and stay cool!!
除了為你們禱告以外, 還希望跟你分享經驗.
當年我懷孕的時候, 也驗出耐糖力不足(血糖高). 剛知道時也有點擔心, 後來才知道原來不是很嚴重, 待小煦出生後,我問醫生要不要檢查,他竟然說不用管, 小事而已.
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