40 weeks nearly past, due day is on the way. Still wandering when the baby will come? What do I need to prepare? What will be happen...... Too many questions!
Today, we have the Dr's follow up in hospital. Before seeing the Dr, I plan when will be the due day, do I need induction....as I don't want to wait too long.
However, the midwife & the Dr suddenly said they want to induced this Thur night(20/7/06). Derek & I are shocked and do not know how to response. The Dr said the baby is small in size, and there is a large fibroid inside, they don't want to risk the baby to wait so it is better to have her induced earlier. Of course, you know Dr always use techniqical terms and frightening words as you ask them for any side effects or complication for induction. Even though I am working in the medical professions, my tears still cannot control. The fear & uncertainly is really difficult to bear, another case showing we can control nothing.
In review the last 40 weeks, God is with us. He takes care of us, only HE knows what is good for us. Every time when I was in stress or despair, HE is there to guide and comfort. So I still have strong trust in HIM.
When we return home from the hospital, I can see Derek is in stress, he is not prepared to have the induction this week, he would like to seek for 2nd opinion. I understand his worries, but seeing another Dr. will not really make much difference as I still be having the delivery in this hopsital and within this or next week.
We pray together, though still in shock & tears but I feel the calm and peace.
God know I am the kind of person who need to know what is going to happen, being induced I have a exact day and I will have a clear mind. Anyway before seeing the Dr, I plan to induced next week, it is just happen 1 week faster and without our mind preparation. So making us so shock.
Only God knows best. Please pray for us especially for the safety and health of the baby, the smoothness of the whole process and the peaceful mind for Derek.
Hopefully , in next passage, we can see this beautiful little girl.