Without God's protection & guidance, this mission cannot be accomplished!
Without Derek's support & Love, this mission cannot be gone through!
Without all of your prayer support, this mission cannot be done !
Derek & I 's little girl Chloe Chan was born on 22/7/06. The whole process is really not easy and seems too long, as tough as the Exodus ( 40 years).
From very start of pregancy, day by day, there was always new things/ problems coming. Seeing we can gone through with prayer and support is really the grace of God.
Finally on the delivery date, it was really a hard day, somedays at night now I still can clearly recall the pain and the operation which make me sleepless.
I gone through pain, fear, uncontrolled and happiness at only 12 hours. The up & down is really like on roller coaster!
i remember when I was in great pain, the phone calls from HK church brother / sister are really supporting. When BB is in distress, the decision for C/S with those slow Dr was amazing fast. This must be the answered prayer from God.
Even on the operation table, the fear make me shake involuntarily even under epidural, the moment of uncontrol and not knowing what will happen with my BB girl was really frightening. But God protect every things! Chloe finally comes to meet us!
Thank you for all your 40 weeks prayer and support!
Special thanks to my husband "Derek" for his unconditional Love & support (like writing a book)
Of course, without God, all these things will not come true!
Really nice to hear that.
We must thank God that we have the opportunity to experience such pain as our husband cannot!
hurray, hurray, hurray!
happy birthday!
well done, c-tai!!!
總算是苦盡甘來, 往後的日子也許會有點戰兢, 但總會讓人充滿喜悅.
人奶哺育雖然辛苦, 卻能讓媽媽跟小孩建立連爸爸也不能了解的親密關係. 非常珍貴.
只要小孩有正常的大小二便, 就代表吃得足夠, 重量就會慢慢回升, 不用擔心.
jessica & gary
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